CML: An Initiative of TATA TRUSTS

Centre for Microfinance & Livelihood (CML) was initiated by the Tata Trusts, Mumbai in 2008. It was conceptualised as a specialised umbrella support organisation for capacity building, research, collaborative interventions and policy advocacy in the development space of Northeast India. CML has a deep understanding of regional challenges, nuances and opportunities, which helps them customise intervention strategies that are most relevant, meaningful and beneficial to the North-Eastern Region of India. These interventions are strategically designed to go beyond the realm of patchwork philanthropy to be inclusive, long-term, impact-driven and supported by data analytics and technology. With its mandate of strengthening development in the region, CML started its initiatives focusing on the domains of training and capacity building, livelihood intervention piloting and compilation and synthesis of sector information for forging linkages and advocacy. CML works towards community empowerment and improving the quality of life through multi- thematic interventions in the fields of education, WaSH, livelihood, craft and sports in the north eastern states of Assam, Tripura, Manipur, and regions of Meghalaya. Tata Trusts’ largest Cancer Care Project is also based in Assam. CML has made a difference in the lives of more than 1 lakh beneficiaries by focusing on entrepreneurship development in fishing, horticulture, piggery as well as handloom and handicrafts. Based on its initial three years of experience on the ground coupled with feedback from grassroots leaders as well as a program review by experts in the sector, CML initiated the second phase of its journey with a novel strategy. From thereon, CML focused on three key aspects of development viz Capacity Building, Knowledge Management and Linkages. Work under Capacity Building resulted in CML managing one of the largest structured and holistic capacity building programs for non-governmental organisations in the country. By mid-2015, CML also conducted several research studies under its Knowledge Management program and has been disseminating important information among the stakeholders. CML has also been successful in forging multiparty linkages through the Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) project under the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. As part of the transformation that took place during the conglomeration of the Tata Trusts, CML was recognised as an Associate of the Tata Trusts although it is registered as an independent entity under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in the state of Meghalaya. As an Associate of the Tata Trusts, CML imbibes the larger vision, values and goals of the Trusts, carrying along with it, its core competence in capacity building, linkage and facilitation. Currently, CML intensively works in the states of Manipur, Assam, Tripura, and regions of Meghalaya.